Samsung has just revealed its Countdown 5 more days to launched Galaxy Note3 & Gear. They also revealed the Galaxy Gear Smart Watch pricing at RM999. The device is a full-color Android-based device and it can take photographs through a camera mounted on the wristband.
The first things pop-up from my mind is, "Who Going to Buy the Watch RM999" First of all, the price is really surprise me. In that price we can get really good smartphone/tablets, why a stupid watch?
Secondly, the watch itself ONLY pairs with Samsung Galaxy Note3. Yup, Samsung is selfish enough and not even share with it's own "brother/sister".
Third, the design is really poor. It looks like the watch I wear when I was child. Modern technology gadgets should have their own "modern" look.
So sorry for those Samsung Fans, it just based on my own opinions. Please don't be offenced. :)
Yes i agree....this watch look like Digimon toy watch that i play with when i was a's seem catchy but the design wise should be more creative, stylish and futuristic :D