

目前显示的是 十一月, 2017的博文

Potatoes USA Goodness Fiesta美国马铃薯 @ Tommy Tong Recipe 多米美食秘方

非常荣幸再次为美国马铃薯协会特别设计了一道菜肴。小编多米想尽脑汁,创造了这道由苏格兰蛋 Scotland Egg 启发的菜肴。U.S. Potato Sunny Bites 采用美国瓦夫薯片,拈啐后包裹着鹌鹑蛋油炸。酥脆的外表配上热腾腾的马铃薯,还有溏心的鹌鹑蛋,简单又容易做,你也可以试一试!

Panasonic 健康美容优惠展 Beauty & Health Roadshow @ 1 Utama Shopping Mall

又来到了购物的好时机!上星期六与Panasonic 有约,前往1 Utama Highstreet 参与 Panasonic Beauty & Health roadshow 疯狂购物。这促销活动可是够给力,超多美容与家居电器都拥有超值促销折扣。让在现场的我心花怒放,大开杀戒。还买不够啦!

ENTERTAINER 手机应用程序 Apps 2018 Launching NOW!

时间过得很快,又来到了年尾。ENTERTAINER 手机应用程序以迫不及待宣布2018年最新产品及促销呢!现在购买2018除了免费附加产品外,还以不可能的价格购买得到哦! Time flies fast and now end of year 2017 is fast approaching.  My personal favourite reward/ discount mobile application "ENTERTAINER" is launching its latest 2018 products with better saving and more offers. For a limited time period, customers can save up to RM240 off the regular price on the 2018 products. Apart from that, you’ll also immediately get to unlock 2017 offers so you can start saving right away!