前来1 Utama朝圣全城最亨7 Course 西式 Fine Dining 只需 RM78 而已。这里的创意料理口味独特惊喜连连,或是招牌美食佳肴都是打卡必备。当然,这7道精致料理RM100有余,肯定抵到爆啦!还有还有,人人路过必停下脚步的可爱水母,一个字 - Beautiful!
90 后 初企业家,内容创作者,部落客。内容多以年轻男生角度出发,分享自身经验及评价 Tommy Tong is Malaysian young entrepreneur in F&B industry, a creative manager at advertising agency, and also a key opinion leader cun blogger. He found Lerz' Malaysia in year 2019, selling various of dessert beverages serving local community among Klang Valley. He holds a second degree with honours in Mass Communication from Plymouth Marjon University, expert in directing commercials and short films at Trenta Information Agency.